
Friday, March 8, 2013

MLM Success Tips

Mlm success tips

In my years in the industry, I have seen lots of questions asked and answered.  The one question everyone wants the answer to is “How do I guarantee mlm success?”  Well, truthfully, no one can guarantee you mlm success in anything.  But there are absolutely things you can do that will put the odds in your favor.

I believe there are 5 traits that can be found in EVERY person who has experienced mlm success.

I will list each of the 5 traits and then I will expound on each one individually.

              1. Consistent
              2. Persistent
              3. Fearless
              4. Dedicated
              5. Coachable


Consistent – If you have been around our industry very long at all, you know that we have good days and bad days.  Everyone does and that is OK.  However, it’s what you do – the actions you take – that will over the long haul, determine whether you will have mlm success.  You must be consistent.  Small steps forward are, nonetheless, steps forward.  No steps forward are really steps backward.  Small consistent, daily action is better than “herky-jerky” giant steps followed by inaction.  “Inch by inch, it’s a cinch.  By the yard, it’s hard”

Persistent – Close on the heels of consistent, is persistent.  This is that dogged determination that says No.  Matter.  What.  To insure mlm success, you’ve got to have the attitude, “No matter what, I will take action today.”  “I will do today what others won’t, so I can do tomorrow what others can’t.”

Fearless – As Les Brown says “You gotta be HUNGRY!” You cannot be in fear and faith at the same time.  Sorry, but it’s one or the other.  Never both.  Ask yourself, which are you living in today?  Not which one do you think you’re living in, but which one are you REALLY living in?  Look at your results; which do THEY say?  Did you miss an appointment today?  Did you choose to go a different route just so you wouldn’t run into that person you’ve been needing to follow up on? How many times recently have you “almost” prospected someone but chickened out right at the last?  -- OR -- Have you approached every appointment 10 feet tall and bullet proof?  Have you dared yourself to walk up to the most successful looking person you can find and prospected them?  You know, after all, they are human too, and their struggles are just as real as yours and mine.

Dedicated – How big is your why?  I think the better question is where is your why?  Is your why internally motivated?  Get out of debt, make extra moolah, bring my spouse home from work, support a family member…  These are all what I call internally motivated.  And, while these are “good”, I believe there are better.  Your ‘why’ must be outside of yourself.  It must be ‘others’ focused.  If a poll were done and 1000 people were asked “why are you alive?  And enough time was given for follow up and clarification, most if not all responses would boil down to “help others.”  In some form or fashion, most if not all of us feel compelled to help others.  In the process, we become better ourselves.  Friedrich Nietzsche said, “He who has a why can endure any how.”  Jim Rohn said, “Make a million dollars not for the sake of making a million dollars, but for the sake of who you become in the process.”

Coachable – How coachable and teachable are you?  Are you willing to lay down what you think you know to be shown what really works?  Again, let’s look at results.  What are your results telling you?  There are so many opportunities to receive coaching today; it just makes no sense that one would ‘go it alone’ today.  Also, with the speed in which technology is changing today, wouldn’t it be better to receive coaching from someone who is “making it happen” day in and day out?  Someone who is not only talking the talk, but is also walking the walk?

I believe anyone can experience mlm success.  You just need to work on your actions and mindset.  Everyone has something they can share with someone else.  Just by virtue of you having read this, you are now knowledgeable in this area.  You could literally go out right now and help someone increase their odds of experiencing mlm success.

Wouldn’t you agree that success leaves clues?  Isn’t that why you came here today?  Looking for clues to mlm success…

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To Your Success!

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

MLM Secrets

Several people have asked lately about MLM secrets.

So, I sat down today and put some thoughts together. I don't know that there are very many "mlm secrets" left these day, what with the internet and the vast amount of information that is available today. Not to even mention the speed at which all this information is available.
Whether there are as many MLM secrets out there today as there may have been in the past, I don't know. I think it is still more a matter of application and execution rather than knowledge. Instead of the scarcity model and folks running around thinking, "I wonder what that person is trying to keep from me.", and stressin' over not having something that someone else has, we need to relax and come into alignment with the abundance model that says, there's plenty for everyone. I believe that there would actually be more knowledge released on Earth.
So here it is - my answer to all those "seekers".

Those who are looking for mlm secrets.

This online community has 36 of the industry's top producers - Top Income Earner's and/or Top Recruiter's in their primary business. This community IS NOT a spammers paradise. They don't talk about their primary business and neither do the members of the community. Your primary business DOES NOT MATTER. The training that you will experience in this community is going to EXPLODE your business, no matter the company you work with.

These mlm secrets will work with any primary company.

You can have access to it for $2.00. Yep, that's it - $2.00 for a 3 day test drive. And that has a money back guarantee. You will have FULL access for 3 days. If you don't like what you've seen and want your money back... no problemo.
 They will give you your $2.00 back.
Check out this community today, they are a thriving active group of like minded home business entrepreneurs that enjoy learning and sharing what's working today.

I hope this post helped you.
Leave a comment and let me know.
To Your Abundance,


Have we connected on Facebook? Come on over and join the fun with me as we discuss online marketing.